Dog Exhibition Rules
- On 5 October 2010
- Dog Shows, information
Dogs in expositions are enrolled in the CLASSES depending on dell’ age and other parameters.
Titles awarded (CAC and CACIB) depend on the class in which the dog is insured.
Classes d ’ exposure
to) Champion Class: Compulsory enrollment in this class for the Italian Champions while beauty is optional for International or foreign ones in this class in the international expo is giving away the CACIB (International Championship Aptitude certificate Beauty)
(b)) Intermediate Class: for all subjects with at least 15 months ’ age who have not completed the 24 months, with the only limitation for Italian Beauty samples. AND’ the CAC (Italian Championship Aptitude Certificate) for breeds not subjected to working tests and CACIB.in international expo.
(c)) Free Class: for all subjects with at least 15 months ’ eta with the only limitation for Italian Beauty samples. AND’ the CAC (Italian Championship Aptitude Certificate) for breeds not subjected to working tests and CACIB.in international expo
(d)) Job Class: For all subjects with at least 15 months of age subject to proof of work that are in possession of securities required by regulation. This class is for the CAC and CACIB for the breeds tested to work for the achievement of the same (es: Canes Venatici rottweiler etc….)
and) Young Class: For all subjects of at least 9 months of age and not over 18 months. in this class are not certificates of suitability to the League, but they can participate in the designation of best of breed (B.O.B Best of Breed)
(f)) Junior Class: All subjects from 6 ai 9 months… ( some expo is played Best in Show junior)
g) Puppy Class: for all subjects between 3 and the 6 months of age.
NB: In foreign countries and in Italy there are also Gatherings in the Veteran Class (for subjects with more than 7 years).
Excellent ETC:
attributed to a dog that most closely matches the standard of the breed, in perfect physical condition and well presented. La his & quot; class" must be such as to forgive any small imperfections and must present the characteristics of sex
MB very good:
attributed to subject well in type. Some venial fault will be tolerated but not morphological. This qualification can only reward a quality dog
B good:
attributed to a dog that possesses the characteristics of the breed while accusing defects, provided that they are not against redhibitory
AB good enough:
attributed to a typical enough dog and without nnotevoli quality or not in good physical condition
Qualification for sex and size class
best female, free class
best male, free class
best female, Champion class
best male, Champion class
BOB, best of breed:
the best beauty
Best Couple:
two subjects, male and female of the same breed and variety with colour homogeneity. All belonging to the same owner or members and presented by farmer ’.
Best Group:
three or more males and females of the same breed and variety with colour homogeneity.
All belonging to the same owner or members and presented by farmer ’.
Junior, Veterans, Baby:
only for Rallies with regulation established by each company specializing
Best in Show, BIS:
better subject of absolute exposure ’
CAC – means a certificate of Aptitude to the League and is issued by judges in national and international exhibitions, in open class, as long as they have achieved Excellent First.
Ris.CAC – is the reserve of CAC and is assigned to the dog , always with the qualification of Excellent was ranked second
CACIB – means a certificate of Aptitude to the International Championship of Beauty , and is issued by judges in international exhibitions with Excellent qualification.
Ris. CACIB – is the reserve of CACIB and is awarded to qualified second dog ever with the qualification of Excellent
BOB – Best of Breed – English expression used to, indicate the best representative of a race presented in an exhibition without distinction of sex or class.
Libretto of qualifications:
individual dog booklet issued by the Group of area on which dog will be written the reviews (date, location and type of exposure ’,class, qualification and ranking d ’ every single dog) countersigned by the judges. Each judge will draw up a summary description of the subject, highlighting the virtues and defects on an additional sheet .
The librettos of qualifications are mandatory for Italian exhibitors, While for foreign exhibitors are optional.
Health Booklet
To participate in exhibitions dogs must be vaccinated against rabies, regardless of local regulations. The vaccination certificate must be submitted to veterinary service
Not allowed the’ access to females in heat. If a female goes into heat and this has already been registered, l’ Exhibitor is entitled to reimbursement of’ inscription, minus expenses, on presentation of the veterinary certificate. This certificate must be submitted to the Secretariat of the’ display the day of the exhibition.
If you are not able to be physically present on the day of’ exposure, We suggest you contact in previous days with the Organizing Committee to agree on. Certificates shipped by mail after the date of’ exposure are generally rejected.
AND’ Note that the possibility of redemption exists only in Italy.
Dogs in expositions are enrolled in the CLASSES depending on dell’ age and other parameters.
Titles awarded (CAC and CACIB) depend on the class in which the dog is insured.
Classes d ’ exposure
to) Champion Class: Compulsory enrollment in this class for the Italian Champions while beauty is optional for International or foreign ones in this class in the international expo is giving away the CACIB (International Championship Aptitude certificate Beauty)
(b)) Intermediate Class: for all subjects with at least 15 months ’ age who have not completed the 24 months, with the only limitation for Italian Beauty samples. AND’ the CAC (Italian Championship Aptitude Certificate) for breeds not subjected to working tests and CACIB.in international expo.
(c)) Free Class: for all subjects with at least 15 months ’ eta with the only limitation for Italian Beauty samples. AND’ the CAC (Italian Championship Aptitude Certificate) for breeds not subjected to working tests and CACIB.in international expo
(d)) Job Class: For all subjects with at least 15 months of age subject to proof of work that are in possession of securities required by regulation. This class is for the CAC and CACIB for the breeds tested to work for the achievement of the same (es: Canes Venatici rottweiler etc….)
and) Young Class: For all subjects of at least 9 months of age and not over 18 months. in this class are not certificates of suitability to the League, but they can participate in the designation of best of breed (B.O.B Best of Breed)
(f)) Junior Class: All subjects from 6 ai 9 months… ( some expo is played Best in Show junior)
g) Puppy Class: for all subjects between 3 and the 6 months of age.
NB: In foreign countries and in Italy there are also Gatherings in the Veteran Class (for subjects with more than 7 years).
Excellent ETC:
attributed to a dog that most closely matches the standard of the breed, in perfect physical condition and well presented. His “class” must be such as to forgive any small imperfections and must present the characteristics of sex
MB very good:
attributed to subject well in type. Some venial fault will be tolerated but not morphological. This qualification can only reward a quality dog
B good:
attributed to a dog that possesses the characteristics of the breed while accusing defects, provided that they are not against redhibitory
AB good enough:
attributed to a typical enough dog and without nnotevoli quality or not in good physical condition
Qualification for sex and size class
best female, free class
best male, free class
best female, Champion class
best male, Champion class
BOB, best of breed:
the best beauty
Best Couple:
two subjects, male and female of the same breed and variety with colour homogeneity. All belonging to the same owner or members and presented by farmer ’.
Best Group:
three or more males and females of the same breed and variety with colour homogeneity.
All belonging to the same owner or members and presented by farmer ’.
Junior, Veterans, Baby:
only for Rallies with regulation established by each company specializing
Best in Show, BIS:
better subject of absolute exposure ’
CAC – means a certificate of Aptitude to the League and is issued by judges in national and international exhibitions, in open class, as long as they have achieved Excellent First.
Ris.CAC – is the reserve of CAC and is assigned to the dog , always with the qualification of Excellent was ranked second
CACIB – means a certificate of Aptitude to the International Championship of Beauty , and is issued by judges in international exhibitions with Excellent qualification.
Ris. CACIB – is the reserve of CACIB and is awarded to qualified second dog ever with the qualification of Excellent
BOB – Best of Breed – English expression used to, indicate the best representative of a race presented in an exhibition without distinction of sex or class.
Libretto of qualifications:
individual dog booklet issued by the Group of area on which dog will be written the reviews (date, location and type of exposure ’,class, qualification and ranking d ’ every single dog) countersigned by the judges. Each judge will draw up a summary description of the subject, highlighting the virtues and defects on an additional sheet .
The librettos of qualifications are mandatory for Italian exhibitors, While for foreign exhibitors are optional.
Health Booklet
To participate in exhibitions dogs must be vaccinated against rabies, regardless of local regulations. The vaccination certificate must be submitted to veterinary service
Not allowed the’ access to females in heat. If a female goes into heat and this has already been registered, l’ Exhibitor is entitled to reimbursement of’ inscription, minus expenses, on presentation of the veterinary certificate. This certificate must be submitted to the Secretariat of the’ display the day of the exhibition.
If you are not able to be physically present on the day of’ exposure, We suggest you contact in previous days with the Organizing Committee to agree on. Certificates shipped by mail after the date of’ exposure are generally rejected.
AND’ Note that the possibility of redemption exists only in Italy.