Why a Great Dane?
- On 18 November 2010
- Great Dane, great dane personality, features great Dane, information
- is very beautiful and elegant
- has a soft and smooth coat is easy to treat
- is tolerant and gentle manners and myths
- It just needs moderate exercise
- It is funny, funny and cute
- is a family dog, very good with children, the family, friends, but also excellent guard dog
- It has an imposing appearance of great effect on people but usually non-aggressive.
- a gigantic dog that occupies space in the car and at home but adapts to life in a flat calm circumstances in her corner, Indeed, is it advisable or even live in the House as a dog suffering from the cold and the heat and not loves solitude but loves to be in close contact with the owner for which nourishes affection morbid
- a heavy dog who wants to sit on your legs, stay in the arm and for this I find them absolutely adorable, unique in their genre, as if they were not aware of their mole
- separation anxiety and depression if left alone too long
- stubborn, therefore needs an owner “of wrist” who knows how to hold head with authoritarian tone, otherwise when you're with him on a leash, It is he who leads you
- does a little’ of bava, especially after drinking and eating, but not all do, is subjective
- loud snoring
- lose the hair despite being short, they often brushed
- large mole being dogs, most subjects are of other races to health problems, and the ’ life expectancy is short, If all goes well a great Dane lives all about ’ 10/12 years.
Because a great Dane?
Because besides being beautiful, elegant and noble and proud ’, all characteristics that must go to details choose which life companion. Usually those unfamiliar with the breed and sell, It is because it is attracted by its appearance, but together we will convivendoci soon, What is unique about the ’ great Dane is his character. Docile, sociable, sensitive, Intelligent, little aggressive and possessive, These are the main features of this dog. Possessive because it sticks morbidly master, even the members of the family, but it was with one of them that League deeply. Needs physical contact continuously, so if you are looking for a dog to produce perpetually in the garden, He does not do for you, a German Shepherd or better in this case. L ’ great Dane needs live daily in family, both for the fact that suffers from the cold as we, both because he needs just to see the family and share with them everything that happens inside the House. Is not a solitary and independent dog. Don't be bullied by his mole, is less problematic than a Yorkshire House, It barks all the time, don't bother and will drop the ornaments, at least until they become adult. Choose a great Dane means deciding to cohabit with a remarkable animal that mole, If not understood can persist and become apathetic, but taken to the right is an invaluable companion. Very meditative seems almost do not pay attention to what surrounds it, While it is always attentive and watchful: It is therefore an excellent guardian that, conscious of its power, acts primarily for deterrence, leaving the ’ use of behaviors more persuasive only when it is faced with a partner that seems not to want to take his warnings. So it's not a dog crazy that takes and attacks, When does the guard and with strangers, he launches first signals, warns, before moving to ’ attack. L ’ great Dane, It is considered a watchdog, and defence.
Puppies love to be taken in the arm to be pampered and characteristic of ’ great Dane is that preserves this behavior even as an adult when it fails to fit more into the arms of the master. And see him perform this feat is extremely funny.
Nutrition and exercise
Puppies need a balanced exercise to grow healthy and correct, but not too much otherwise their bones, that juveniles are fragile, may have problems and may become damaged ligaments. The right dose of exercise is difficult to adjust in giant breeds, the ’ is important not to overdo it never! The ’ power is equally important: Cubs eat croquettes branded weighted according to their age and weight, no snack for them without being soften, Why would their bad growth. Moreover, as is done with a newborn? He is alone and none else ’ milk, There we will dream never to taste ice cream or chocolate that would be only a bane for him. Our kittens are weaned with croquettes of Purina Pro Plan, without preservatives, that are good for growth and provide the right amount of all substances they need. We integrate with cooked ground beef and goat's milk.
A dog that lives with us in the House can not feel excluded by the our small gioiè. If you are eating a chocolate that we like in particular, He will realize immediately and wants. Also a bit Diamogliene, but without exaggeration because it is a food which dogs digest with fix.
We must make them socialise right now. The majority of Danes have protective instinct towards the master and the other members of the family against outsiders. They need to be exposed to people friend so they can learn how people behave in place that come into our home and can recognize the difference when someone acts in an abnormal. Without socialization can become suspicious of everyone and this can cause them to bite. Some Alans go instead towards different: If not quite become fearful socialize with outsiders and can still get to bite for fear.
With children
With children are excellent companions and very protective and attentive, the relationship that develops between them following the stages in rapid development. When the puppy arrives home will see in the child a superior and will establish a struggle like puppy (d ’ great Dane) against puppy (d ’ man) with mutual teasing, but given that the dog is faster than that of a child, in a short time the relationship will become peer can then capsize in a matter of months. Our great Dane accept impassive and teasing games more easily by the child, but the same care and teach the child, as the Cub, How to behave: mutual respect. Despite this ’ great Dane likes very much the children both because it's always very protective with who is smaller than him (accepts without problems the cat in the House), because both are affectionate in particular to those, as children, is willing to spend much of her time with him. We must therefore educate children to respect for the animal ’, We must teach them not to pull his ears or the tail, not sharp on snout, not to disturb him while eating and to not get behind quatti quatti, Maybe with a stick in his hand.
Finally, not all the Alans are equal:
- Some are energetic, certain placidi
- certain stubborn, other obedient
- some serious and reserved and other playful and friendly with all
If you get a puppy so, You'll never know how to become great.
Unfortunately, few are the ones who decide to have to do with this breed, look for the large size and footprint, look for the care they need, but I can assure you that counter all you do for them fully with their affection or simply with their unique and sympathy.
Who knows the great Dane ’ falls in to the point that hardly manages to change race!