The education of puppies
- On 29 August 2010
- Puppies, education
What to teach puppies from 2 ai 3 months
Everyday life and habits:
- where is the ’ water and food
- at what time of day to eat (usually in the morning, just after lunch and the evening)
- where is the ’ angle of repose and the mattress and the ’ hour of sleep at night, or the day when you can't be with him
- wait to go outside to pee (We recommend that you always carry the same hours and just after eating to accustom, but it will take several months for you to learn why a puppy is like a child and does not know refrain: Jelenia l ’ has made up to one year of age ’ for example, but she will be a ’ exception :-)).
- teach him to touch, brush, Open the mouth (“OPEN YOUR MOUTH!”), sit (“SITTING!” or “SITZ!”) and sit still (“REMAINS!”)
- words that relate to the food: eat, hunger (you're hungry?), biscuit, bread (dry well only when you say, between meals), etc.
- to take food from your hand without hurt him “PLAN!”
- Words of correzone: “NO!” pronounced in risuluta when they do something wrong. The next time, I'm not saying that the draw, as the Alans are stubborn, but will at least that is one thing that does not, and hands forward until it more.
- Words of praise: “BRAVO” accarezzandolo head. Associate the word with the caress the positive thing that will get done and he will wag.
Puppies love routine, they feel reassured when they know where you will find all the things they need. Reassure them routines because they learn to ocnoscere the new family and feel protected, know what will happen after every thing they do why do today what they did yesterday and will be the same tomorrow. They are counting on you and on your help in doing the same things.
What to teach 3 ai 6 months
- sit on command (“SITTING!”)
- stay down to Earth to command (“EARTH!”)
- recall it saying “COME!”
- stop biting when I ask him
- interact well with strangers and other animals when I ask him
- quiet walk on a leash to your left
- look right when you utter his name
- come when I call
- drop to the ground has anything in his mouth when I ask him
- play with him tirandogli of toys to go then to resume (“TAKE IT!”)
- wait on the door or gate when these are opened without leaving.
What to teach 6 ai 10 months
- stay down to Earth to do remain without command and follow us when you are away (“REMAINS!”)
- quiet walk to your left side without leash
- recognize the names of the members of the family and search
- jumping an obstacle in command “SALTA!”
- dig into the ground in command “DIG!” (I say I say “ZAPPA!”)
- whatever you want!