The Great Dane: origin and characteristics
- On 8 April 2011
- Great Dane, great dane personality, features great Dane, Beginnings Alano
Origin: Germany
Classification F.C.I.: Group 2 – dogs like pinscher, schnauzer, molosser dogs and Swiss cattle dogs.
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The German Great Dane ’, defined “the Apollo of dogs ’”, It is also known as "Great Dane", Although in fact has nothing to do with Denmark. You think its derivation is due to crossbreeding between large dogs dogs and greyhounds. Scholars argue that these crossings were made thanks to imports of large dogs and greyhounds from the Phoenician merchants who sailed the Mediterranean exchanging rare merchandise as some large molosser breeds.
It is thought that its origins date back to the times of Ancient Greece ’. In 407 dell part # ’-Europe was invaded by the people of the Alans, they had the result of massive and forzuti dogs Dogs; the Germany was fascinated and later began a selection breeding the dogs with the Irish Wolfhound; dogs that are called Alans developed into German territory and Danish English, Although the Denmark not had nothing to do.
Giant-size l ’ Alano is a dog of noble bearing; is massive, muscular and elegant. Despite being a dog of great size, It is not solid and stocky, but on the contrary, is slender and sleek. His head is impressive and his exceptionally elegant lines are in the collection. By some is referred to as the "molossus par excellence". Males are at least high 80 cm and females 72, Although most precious specimens are those that exceed these measures (90-95 cm at the withers). Its weight is about 70-80 kg; the head is long, close, with a noticeable nose-blowing and wide front nose. The neck is long and strong; the Forelegs perfectly appiombate and rear with wide thighs; the feet are round with dark nails and Court. The tail is long enough, reaches the tip of Hock. The eyes of ’ great Dane are circular, almost always dark, brisk and awake; his ears bring integre perfectly sule hanging cheeks; the teeth are strong, with scissor, white color. The fur is short, denso, adherent and shining.
Excellent guard dog. Gentle and affectionate with family who care. Thanks to its sensitive character, docile and balanced is suitable to stay with the children for whom it becomes a true baby-sitter. Not one person ever would attack without reason; is always loyal and faithful. His expressive head to master all understand his intentions. It is a very affectionate dog until the morbidity which needs continuous physical contact and should not be never left alone for too long otherwise suffer until fall ill with depression. Would be willing to do anything for those who care. She loves very much walks along with master play and not strays ever from it. Feeling part of the family, Perhaps for his mole, and not feeling a dog, tends to take all the habits of the master, which sit on a chair with back or leave to lie down on the bed with the head on the pillow, How do people see. These habits, course, you avoid easily if they want to since it's a dog very receptive in commands, intelligent and easy to manage. AND’ A lot “Sticky” and “comodone”, He wants to live in a family like the other members. AND’ a dog obedient but at the same time encroaching, in the sense that with its sweetness and tenacity always gets what she wants by relatives. It's a race to which we are affectionate especially for these characteristics and cannot disappoint in character. Try to believe!
Note: given its intolerance to cold in winter and hot in summer and loneliness we recommend doing it live at home with family because besides being a guard dog is an excellent companion dog primarily known to be a good and faithful friend. Content with little space, If it can stay in contact with people of whom feels a similar. Obviously also needs his daily jog.